Proverbs 9:9. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.

God is infinite. There is no limit to God or his character. Likewise, there is no limit to God’s wisdom. God isn’t growing in wisdom; he is infinitely wise.

This is good news for us. Not only can we turn from fools into wise, we can grow in God’s infinite wisdom. There is no limit to this growth. In Christ, we will always be growing in the knowledge of God.

Simply put, you can’t become too wise, or too trusting of God, or too loving of others. Give instruction to a wise man and he will still be wiser. The wise person doesn’t see wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as finite, but infinite. Unlimited. God’s wisdom is an ocean without a bottom, a mountain without a top. The wise man keeps on learning from their mistakes and the instruction of others. The wise person is continually learning how to trust God and how to fear God. Jesus taught this same principle this way in Matthew 13:

Matthew 13:10-12. 10Then the disciples came and said to him, “Why do you speak to them in parables?” 11And he answered them, “To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. 12For to the one who has, more will be given, and he will have an abundance.

What is Jesus teaching his disciples? That we can know the secrets of the Kingdom of Heaven more and more. The secrets of Heaven? The secrets of Heaven are all the wisdom of God that Christ in us reveals. God loves us. God forgives us. God saves us. And the upside down nature of the Kingdom. The last will be first. Weakness is strength. The wise are foolish. The poor are rich. We can love others, including our enemies. Forgiveness is possible. Blessedness is found in self-sacrifice.

These are the secrets of Heaven and these are the infinite wisdom of God. The more we look at Jesus the more we will understand, and the wiser we will become. And this is the never ending process of growth into the wisdom of Christ. The Christian never stops growing, learning, changing. So let’s keep teaching one another the wisdom of the word of Christ.

And let’s never stop learning.

You: Do you see the knowledge of Christ as finite or infinite?

You in Christ: How does it encourage you spiritually to know that there is no limit to knowing Christ?

Christ in you: Are you giving instruction to a wise person? Teaching a righteous person? Are you making disciples? If not, why not?

Pray: Father, I never want to stop learning Christ. I want to grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus. Keep teaching me the secrets of Heaven. Amen.

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