Proverbs 11:16-17. 16A gracious woman gets honor, and violent men get riches. 17A man who is kind benefits himself, but a cruel man hurts himself.

Solomon points out the gracious woman and the kind man. Gracious and kind are two words found all over the Bible, mostly describing God himself. God is gracious. God is kind. Clearly we can image God in his grace and kindness. And there is a benefit to doing so.

The gracious receive honor.

The kind benefit themselves.

Solomon is reminding us of the principle that we reap what we sow. When you live a life that seeks to help others, and puts others first it will result in God giving you honor, and praise, and you’ll feel good about yourself too.

Sow grace, reap honor.

Sow kindness, reap benefit.

Jesus taught the same thing this way:

Luke 6:38. give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.

By contrast the violent (high handed) and cruel person only hurts themselves. Sure, they may gain riches, but if they’ve destroyed all their relationships in the process then what’s the point of having such wealth if there is no one to share it with? If your conscience doesn’t convict you when you do cruel things, then you know that you have really begun to hurt yourself. You’ve made yourself callous and unfeeling, and that’s a dangerous place to be.

Maybe the most surprising thing in these two proverbs is the word kind. This is the Hebrew word hesed. Hesed is the faithful covenant, loyal love, mercy, and kindness of God for his chosen people. Almost all of the Old Testament’s 250 uses of the word hesed are in reference to God’s love for his people. The very idea that we can show hesed to one another is actually quite surprising.

But in Christ it makes perfect sense. In Christ we love because he first loved us. God’s Hesed came to us in the incarnation of Christ. His Hesed took our place on the cross. His Hesed lives in us by the Spirit. Now in Christ, God’s covenant, loyal love, mercy, and kindness flow in and out of us like a stream of living water refreshing all who come to drink.

You: Are you kind? Have you seen the benefit of being kind to others?

You in Christ: How does meditating on God’s kindness (hesed) toward you allow you to let his kindness flow out towards others?  

Christ in you: Is there someone who needs your kindness today? What can you do to show it?

Pray: Father, your loyal love has rescued me. Help me by your kindness to show the kindness of Christ in me to others. Amen.

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