Proverbs 14:10. The heart knows its own bitterness, and no stranger shares its joy.

In the Hebrew Old Testament, the heart is the innermost part of who you are. In fact, we might say that it encompasses all that you are – your intellect, emotion, and will. The heart is so uniquely you that, as today’s proverb reminds us, only you can know the depth of your own heart. Whether it is bitterness or joy, nobody else fully knows how you feel. 

Yes, others can sympathize and even empathize with us. It is right and good when we try to understand another’s feelings and even more so when we try to feel what they are felling alongside them (weeping with those who weep, and rejoicing with those who rejoice). But in the end our emotions are something only we can control. Only we can name our own feelings. And we must take responsibility for our own emotions. This doesn’t mean we should keep our emotions hidden. It is the stranger that doesn’t share our feelings, but the friend can try, and we should let them.  

This proverb also offers an important reminder in caring for others, namely, that we never know what is going on in the heart of another person. Sorrows and joys can both be hidden. Most people are hiding what is in their true heart. Especially the bitterness of life. This is why we must not be too quick to judge others, because we never know what another person is going through. Even that guy that cut you off in traffic, or the store clerk who begrudgingly rang up your groceries.

At salvation the Holy Spirit joins with our spirit making our heart Christ’s home. Because of our union with Christ, Jesus knows our heart even better than we do.

When we don’t know what to pray, the Spirit knows or hearts and prays for us.

When our hearts condemn us, God is greater than our hearts.

When we are tempted, we can obey from the heart.

In Christ there is no need to hide your heart from God because he already knows everything in it, all bitterness and all joy. He is experiencing it all right along with you. So why not trust him and tell him everything in your heart? And in trusting our good Father with our hearts maybe we can learn to trust others with it too.

You: Do you tend to hide what’s in your heart from God? From others?

You in Christ: How does knowing that God knows your heart allow you to share your heart with him?

Christ in you: Is there a trusted spiritual friend that you can practice sharing your true heart with?

Pray: Father, you know my heart better than I do. Help me to trust you, and share my heart with you and others too. Amen.

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