Proverbs 11:4. Riches do not profit in the day of wrath, but righteousness delivers from death.

The Bible has a lot to say about money, and most of it is a warning. Why? Because most of us are very tempted by money. We love money. We want more and more money. But often, the more money we have the less we trust in God. Maybe more than anything else, money distracts us from living for God and others and makes us more selfish. The more money we have the more money we spend, and then we “need” more money, and so on and so on.

Today’s proverb introduces us to the coming day of wrath. God’s judgment day. In Old Covenant theology there is a day coming when God will judge the world and all who have ever lived according to their covenant faithfulness.

Did you keep covenant with God? Yes. Enter into the presence of God.

Did you keep covenant with God? No. Enter into God’s wrath.

The New Covenant, of which Christ is our mediator, still points to a coming day of wrath. A day when God will judge the world. But that day has been turned over to God’s Son, Jesus. The righteousness that delivers from death is Christ’s righteousness imputed to us by grace through faith. On this righteousness alone we will stand on the day of judgment.

And on that day God won’t care at all about how much money you had in this life. Whether you are rich or you are poor God will only care if you were righteous in Christ. How do we become righteous? By trusting in Jesus. Whoever believes in him has eternal life and eternal righteousness, no matter how much money they have. You can’t buy you way into Heaven or out of Hell.

I know, I know, you already know all this. You’re a Christian. You know better than to think that you can purchase eternity. But if we know this, why don’t we live like it? Why do we worry so much about our wealth? Why do we scrimp and save for the rainy day that may come our way, rather than helping those that are living in the middle of their rainy day? Why do we feel so insecure about our financial futures? Why are we so greedy?

When we have trusted in Christ and have received his righteousness, then riches are no longer our savior. Money can be simply what it is. No more, and no less. We can be freed to use our money to help others. We can use it to build God’s kingdom, the church. We can share and give, just like Jesus did.

You: What is your hope on the Day of Wrath?

You in Christ: How does knowing that you are righteous in Christ and have a heavenly home waiting for you, allow you to share your wealth?

Christ in you: Is there a financial need you can help meet this week?

Pray: Father, thank you for giving the righteousness of Christ to me by faith alone. Help me to do what is right with everything you have given to me, including my money. Amen.

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