Proverbs 11:14. Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

We live in a world of radical individualism. A world that tells us to do life alone. Live life on our own terms. Follow our hearts. An entire generation is being told that they can find meaning in life simply by being their true selves.

At the same time, we are living in a world of radical impulsivity. Every choice we are confronted with is processed first by the gut (feelings). It then moves to the heart (desires), and, hopefully, it makes its way to the head (rationality). Again, we live in a world that encourages us to follow our guts, our feelings. Yes, God made us with feelings and impulses that are especially helpful with moving us through the millions of ordinary choices and decisions that we make throughout a normal day. But we were never meant to live by our gut alone. Our feelings were meant to be guided by our heart’s desires, and by our mind’s logic.

And our minds are meant to be guided by an abundance of counselors.

As you can see a proverb like this flies in the face of our western culture. Our culture: Do life on your own from your gut – express your inner self as determined by your feelings. God’s word: Do life with others from your whole self (gut, heart, mind) – listen to the wisdom of others in order to find what is best for the entire community (a people).     

Which way are you approaching life? On your own from the gut? Or with counselors from the gut to the mind? It doesn’t matter how old you are, or how smart you think you are, we all need others to come alongside us and guide us through life. Solomon is telling us to get all the advice we can, and to listen to those who have already made mistakes and learn from them.

In Christ we have constant access to an abundance of counselors in the indwelling Trinity. The Father’s mercy guides us back to his open arms over and over again. The Son’s love guides us into the way of sacrificial living for the sake of others. The Spirit’s wisdom guides us forward toward others in the mercy and love of the Father and the Son. Indeed, the truth of the gospel of God, the cross of Christ, and the Spirit formed Body of Christ renews our minds, captures our heart desires, and guides our gut’s impulses until Christ is fully formed in us.   

You: Do you tend to follow your gut? Your heart? Your mind?Who do you receive guidance from?

You in Christ: How does union with Christ guide our minds, hearts, and guts?

Christ in you: How can you purposefully receive guidance from godly counselors?

Pray: Father, as I grow up in Christ, surround me with wise, Spirit led counselors who can help me to make gospel informed choices for my life. Amen.

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